Selasa, 30 April 2013

ORANGE MONSTER : Long Time No Update

Gambar 1

Gambar 2

Gambar 3

Gambar 4

Good day!

Sudah lama sekali sepertinya tidak update blog ini. Bagaimana kabar viewers? : ) I hope everything is the best  as we wish everyday in our prayer. 

Hari ini adalah hari ulang tahun Mama saya tercinta. Di usia nya yang ke 51, Mama saya tambah tua (couldn't fight the nature even she always put a night cream everyday :P ) , dan tambah hebat di mata saya. Saya tahu, di mata viewers, orang tua viewers adalah the most amazing person in the world. So am I.

Mama saya adalah The Most Amazing Powerful Woman in the Universe. Mama saya mengurus 5 anaknya dengan segala prinsip hidupnya, yang berhasil membuat semua anaknya bisa berdiri di kaki masing-masing. Puji Tuhan, diantara kami tidak ada yang manja, selalu berusaha dan pantang menyerah. Our Mom taught us to never give up until God alone shows us another way to success.

Beliau yang mengajarkan kami untuk selalu rely on God, dan bersyukur selalu. Mama saya adalah pahlawan penuh cinta kasih yang sangat nyata di hidup saya. 

Waktu saya mengerjakan Tugas Akhir, saya sempat depresi dan tidak bisa bergerak maju karena merasa buntu dan gelap. Tebak siapa yang bisa menarik saya dari jurang ke putus-asa an? YES, the answer is My Mom. Beliau tidak henti-hentinya mensupport saya sampai ikut tidak tidur dalam meyiapkan sidang saya. DAN, saat hari H sidang saya, berdasarkan sumber terpercaya, saya diberitahu bahwa dari pagi sampai saya pulang sehabis sidang, Mama saya tidak henti-hentinya berdoa dan bernyanyi memuji Tuhan di kamar Kost saya. Her LOVE is PRECIOUS.

Saya sadar, saya bisa berdiri sampai sekarang, itu hanya karena kasih Tuhan, bersatu dengan kasih orang tua saya...

Happy Birthday Mommy, :*
"Holong do roha nami tu ho, omak"

Sip! About the pieces. 4 gambar paling atas adalah karya Tugas Akhir saya berupa kain 3 meter menggunakan kain tenun sutra. Gambar 1 dan 2, itu pure desain saya tanpa mengambil unsur dari Ulos. Gambar yang menyerupai monster dan huruf S tersebut adalah hasil dari inspirasi ukiran Gorga Batak yang biasa kita temui di ruma Batak di daerah tapanuli dan Samosir. Orang Batak mempercayai bahwa ukiran berbentuk kepala kerbau bertanduk tersebut adalah perlambang kekuatan untuk menahan serangan hal-hal jahat.

The Most Aesthetic-Cool Monster, right?

Pada gambar 3 dan 4, itu adalah hasil komposisi motif banyak Ulos, yang memakai efek visual piksel. Kain tersebut juga dihias dengan beads dan piringan beads mengkilap.

So, meet you in another post, okay? :D



Kamis, 04 April 2013


I'm very happy that my emailed got replied by one of the most inspiring person in my life, Sandra Niessen, the one who made many incredible books about Batak's culture. And She put my blog in one of her post blog. Well, who am I to not freakishly happy about that, right?

But there's a little thing that I want to get it straight. Well, I wont say that Sandra got it wrong, but it's because I haven't meet her, face by face, so she barely knows me by my email.

Actually, I have visited North Sumatra like 4-6 times. To my grandparents from my Mom at Porsea, and my Dad at Pematang Siantar. But the last time was 9 years ago, when my Ompung Boru passed away. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers, so we couldn't go back to our homeland together as a full team when one of our grandparents passed away, because it would costs much money on the plane tickets.

So I got my last chance 9 years ago. These are some of my beautiful moments at my Homeland :

I always remember that one of my Ompung Boru neighbors is a partonun. And one of my grandparent is partonun too! 

I always remember how people at there made dodol with a big frying pan outside the house. 

I always remember that I always pull out the paddy instead of grass at sowing time (one of my grandparents at Porsea have large farms, I always messed up).

I always remember that I always think that Telepon Soap is the cutest, awesome soap in the world.

I always chased pigs and young chickens at my grandparents husbandry. 

I always amazed when i saw Batu Gantung and forced my father to tell the story over and over again...

I love my homeland...

But this is the problem that some children in Indonesia, maybe around the world are have. They don't realize nor know their biggest dream until the reality is in front of their face. And mainly it's because their parents are already decided all for their life. The college that their kids shall have, the profession, even the lovers of their kids. Well, i don't wanna judge my parents. 

I got this feeling that i do wanna be a culture expert when I was in senior high school, second years. When my parents were already decided that I should go to medical school. Tough year, to be exact. Because, in myself, I don't have a courage to stand up for my own thought. I didn't believe my self, either! I didn't have many experiences to decide big things in my life. So, it was basically my fault.

But, Thank God, I got into Bandung Institute of Technology and got accept in Design and Art Faculty for Textile-Craft. At there, I got many chances to explored my biggest interest in culture : Batak Culture. Now, I'm here, still thanking God for given me a power to tell my parents what I really want for my life.

For you out there that struggling something like i experienced, pray to God first, after that go speak to your parents! :D

Ah, long story. Sorry for my bad English!!

"Thank you Sandra for your book once again. But the most important thing is, thank you for being a person who respect Batak culture even more than Batak people themselves  We should be more proud to be Batak. We should learn that from you. :) Lots of Love from Sinaga's Family here."


Senin, 01 April 2013

Dancing with the Wind

"There is one thing the photograph must contain, the humanity of the moment. This kind of photography is realism. But realism is not enough - there has to be vision, and the two together can make a good photograph. " -Robert Frank- 

The woman in these photos, is my older sister, Helena. Menjadi model di karya-karya saya sebenarnya hanya karena kebaikannya terhadap saya. Ya, dia aslinya bukan model, melainkan fotografer. Ayah saya juga sangat menggemari kegiatan fotografi dari sejak muda. Sepertinya, bakat fotografi turun ke kak Helena.

Saat sedang take photo untuk karya saya diatas, kakak saya awalnya sedikit kebingungan. Dia bingung bagaimana caranya bergaya secara alami dengan tujuan menonjolkan karya saya. Tapi saat kipas angin dinyalakan untuk efek windy, seperti dirasuki jiwa model high class, kak Helena langsung bisa menangkap dan menghidupkan 2 konsep karya saya diatas.

She is very talented woman. Yeah, that woman is my older sister.

Dua kain itu adalah hasil digital printing dengan desain komposisi motif yang saya buat sedemikian rupa membentuk konsep Flowing Sensuality. Motif yang dipakai untuk eksplorasi motif kain adalah dari Ulos Sadum dan di printing secara digital diatas kain sateen 100% silk.

Ya, kak Helena membuat karya saya seperti hidup, mengalirkan nada sensualitas sesejuk angin.